虽然不乏精彩的课程、播客和周刊,但视频内容仍在继续占领 JavaScript 内容的半壁江山。
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Udemy has done a great job of drafting popular instructors such as Brad Traversy or Colt Steele to boost its roster of JavaScript courses, and so has Frontend Masters (disclaimer: Frontend Masters financially supports this survey).
It's also worth mentioning You Don't Know JS, a great book available online for free.
While Syntax retains its crown for now, a new challenge might come in the form of video creators such as The Primeagen and Midudev, who can easily generate audio content in addition to traditional streams.
Fireship, Theo, The Primeagen, stand atop the video creator rankings. But it's worth highlighting how vibrant the Spanish-language ecosystem has become, starting with (but not limited to!) Midudev in fourth place overall.
Note that the second tab shows the same rankings, but manually filtered down to Spanish-language creators only.
English has long been the dominant language of the tech industry, but in our corner of the world at least Spanish is stepping up to the challenge, with Midudev and Fernando Herrera topping the rankings of most influential developers for non-video channels.