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Fernando Herrera

Fernando Herrera

Developer, educator, and YouTuber

Several years ago, another State of JS survey put Astro on my radar.

I decided to try it and after spending a few hours with it, I fell in love with the technology. It was almost love at first sight! Suddenly, I saw myself rebuilding my website, administrative tools, and other projects with Astro. Now, I can say that Astro is my favourite framework by far.

JavaScript is a dynamic and exciting ecosystem continually growing with many libraries and frameworks. From reusable components to client-side, server-side, and static solutions, there are countless ways to achieve your goals using Vanilla JavaScript, community packages, libraries, or frameworks—each offering new opportunities for innovation. Of course, it can feel overwhelming, but this diversity makes JavaScript powerful, giving you anywhere from one to hundreds of clever ways to succeed.

Don’t be afraid to dive in and experiment with different tools—whether it’s Vitest or Jest, React or Solid, Node or Deno, Next.js or Astro – or something entirely new like Brisa.

Stay curious, as no other language offers the community, flexibility, and creativity that JavaScript does!

Shaundai Person

Shaundai Person

Front end Senior Software Engineer (Netflix) and course instructor

Just under five years ago, I discovered the advantages of using TypeScript for the first time.

I wasn't alone in this journey; I was among the many JavaScript developers who were just starting to explore TypeScript and its benefits for teams aiming to create scalable and maintainable front-end systems. It’s amazing to me to see how quickly TypeScript has grown in popularity! I’m thrilled to see that the majority of survey respondents now use TypeScript in their daily work.

Today, my go-to stack for both my professional work and my personal projects contains React, TypeScript, Vite, and Jest. Large and rapidly-growing teams have placed their bets on these tools and look for expertise in these areas when hiring front-end developers. So it's no surprise to see that they have been widely adopted and retained by other organizations as well.

If you're like me, you prefer to focus on mastering a few essential tools rather than continually experimenting with new frameworks and libraries. Also like me, you might even hold off on adopting the latest versions of reliable front-end tools until they reach stable releases and any issues are resolved. You’re not alone, and there are huge benefits for those of us who prefer the tried-and-true path.