JavaScript mobilra és asztali nézetre
Rész megosztásaMobile & Desktop Tools Ratios Over Time
Over the past decade, building mobile and desktop apps has become far more common – yet that doesn't mean developers are necessarily happy with their tools.
While Tauri and Expo stand out at the top of the retention chart, everything else has a lower ratio compared to good old Native Apps.
Rész megosztásaOther Mobile & Desktop Tools
Rész megosztásaUsed at Work
Once again newer tools like Tauri seem to primarily be used in the workplace by less experienced developers, which goes to show that not having all that baggage can sometimes be a good thing!
Which of these tools do you use in a professional context?
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2024 Pick: Knip
Knip is an amazing tool that analyzes your code and tells you what you can get rid of. It’s fast (so you can run it in CI), understands many frameworks and libraries out of the box, and works seamlessly in monorepos, too.
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
Dominik Dorfmeister
Software Engineer @ Sentry, React Query maintainer
Rész megosztásaNumber of Items
How many items in this category respondends have used (or heard of).
Rész megosztásaMobil & desktop elégedettség
Mennyire vagy elégedett a mobil & desktop eszközökkel?
Rész megosztásaMobil & desktop hiányosságok
JavaScript codebases still struggle to compete against pure native apps in terms of performance. And it seems like both Electron and React Native have their share of drawbacks.
Milyen hiányosságokat tapasztaltál a mobil & desktop eszközök használata során?
(szabad formátumú válasz)
Rész megosztásaAjánlott források
React Native, v3
Use your React skills to build feature-rich, native mobile apps for iOS and Android using React Native and Expo. Learn to create UI components like custom buttons and scrollable lists, implement navigation between screens, and persist data using AsyncStorage.
Electron, v3
Build native, cross-platform desktop apps using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js with Electron. Get hands-on experience building real-world apps for the menubar and system tray.
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